Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - October 2020


Dear Friends:

     We (Lenora and I) were finally back to travelling for meetings (no international flights) and were in the Scranton, PA area.  Lighthouse Independent Baptist Church (Clarks Summit area) and Pastor Don Tantanella have faithfully supported us through the years without me ever being in their church. I enjoyed speaking five times there to some hungry believers, who in turn took excellent care of us.

     We were travelling on to Beaver Falls, PA to be in Valley Baptist Church with Pastor Jeff Seivers, when we got the weather report that Hurricane Sally was threatening the Gulf of Mexico. She switched directions and speed many times, finally landing right in our back door at Gulf Shores, AL on Tuesday night, September 15---a CAT 2 with 105+ winds. We called my daughter and son-in-law to get a report. They had survived with no structural damage to any dwellings (we live in a mother-in-law cottage on their property), but there were two large oak trees leaning against our cottage. After speaking with them we decided to continue with the Wednesday night service at Valley Baptist Church, but to cancel the remaining meetings in Ohio and head home. Pastor Seivers and the members of Valley Baptist Church treated us royally.

     After two long days driving we arrived home and the property looked as if a bomb had exploded (trees down everywhere, debris blanketing the waterlogged ground).  The driveway had been cleared by my two daughters and sons-in-law, so we drove in. They also had worked to clear the leaning trees away from my cottage. What to do?  We changed clothes and went to work. It was hot and humid, with mosquitos biting and ants hiding in the debris to attack there. The next day three of my grandchildren (two boys, one girl) and their families came from Mississippi, Georgia, and Tennessee with chain saws and other tools, and ice chests of food and water. Everyone, even the kids, picked up, piled, raked, and ran chain saws (even the ladies). We had no electricity for about a week, but a generator was able to maintain our freezer to keep from losing the stored food there (we shared it with my daughter’s freezer…12 hours/12 hours). After a week’s work with chain saws, rakes, and a tractor with a grapple to move and stack piles for pickup, the area looks somewhat back to normal minus about 30 trees. The hand of God was seen often. Just to be alive and saved brought peace, and knowing storms don’t last, you clean up and keep moving forward.

       On the bright side, while storms are in one place, calmness is in another. Our Bangladesh representative, Bro. Lemon, sent us a couple of testimonies that put the fire back in my bones. You will enjoy reading one of these; they are a product of YOUR investment.                                                         

TESTIMONY OF SHEKHOR GOLDER—I am Shekhar Golder. I am a fisherman. My parents and all my brothers, friends, and relatives are fishermen from generation to generation. We live in a village on a riverbank beside the Sunderban mangrove forest. We catch fish and crabs from the rivers in the big forest which is the living place of the big Royal Bengal Tiger, crocodiles, snakes, deer, lots of birds, and other animals. We also collect honey from the forest. We lost many of our relatives and friends who had been attacked by the tigers and crocodiles. Sometimes we lost our children, cattle, and pets and we know who are the killers. Though we live in many problems, still  we love the rivers and the forest because they are the sources of our livelihood.

     We were the idol worshippers and believed that our idol gods will save us from the dangers of the forest, rivers, and natural disasters. Every morning we start our journey in the forest by worshipping the Goddess (we call her Bonodebi) of the Forest. Our forefathers sacrificed the children to her. We had some stories, rumors, and local mythologies that made us obedient idol worshippers and we tried to make happy our different gods and the goddess.

     A few years ago Bro. Lemon and his team came to our village. We ignored and teased him and did not care about what he was saying. Eternal life; Jesus; gospel; salvation; repentance were the new words to us and funny too. It was so funny to us when one day the team introduced themselves as the “Fishers of Men”. After day by day, we started to realize the meaning of those words from the funny Fishers of Men. My wife and I felt hungry for eternal life and we invited personally Bro. Lemon and his team at our small hut and we finally received Christ as our Saviour. We helped Bro. Lemon and his team to reach many unreached villages where the gospel did not preach yet. We are very thankful to our heavenly God who is not only the God of the forest but of the whole universe to save our lives by sending His son, Jesus Christ. And we are very happy to be a part of the Fishing Fields Baptist Church, and to spread His kingdom to our locality. Please pray for me, my family, and the new people we need to introduce our Christ as their Saviour.

     I have personally met this dear brother. Thank God for the gospel that still is the power of God unto salvation!

Continuing on,

Dr. A.W. “Fisher” Mund
Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-6474