Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - June 2021


Dear Friends:

     I thought I would do something a little different this time around for FOMMI news. In fact, since 1984 I have never put together info as follows, so here we go.
     This kind of news was provoked by an evangelist friend of mine whom I would see from time to time and his response to the question, “How are things going?” He would respond with, “Glory to God, He is wonderful!” Then he would proceed with some good things he had seen God do for him and his ministry. I would then ask, “But, brother, how is it really going?” He would then proceed to tell me how the devil seemed to show himself often in the details. So, let me do the same. You ask, “How are things, Bro. Mund?” My reply is, “We are moving forward as never before.” That is true, BUT, “How is it really going?” There is always a price to pay for progress, so I will give you only the highlights.
     1) We saw the fulfillment of Luke 10:18, “…I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” The “as” hit us! It blew out some of our electronic equipment in the office. After a week or so as we thought we were getting things back in order, guess what? You got it…another strike. More destruction. From those two strikes we lost two modems, two routers, 2 Back-UPS units, four surge bars, one new computer, one TV monitor, one satellite box, one LED light fixture, one alarm clock, and the kitchen range hood (light and fan). The lightning also damaged the meter base where our electric service enters, so that damage caused MORE problems inside with surges. We had to shut down our electric service completely, and call our electric company for help on a Sunday. After getting shocked by their meter base, they replaced it.
     2) Next a tribulation sign came (Luke 17:26…flooding). Seven inches one day and seven more a few days later. The yard was literally a lake. My small boat (16’ Carolina skiff) could have traveled the property. (Now we are getting hot and dry!)
     3) Embarrassment—1 Peter 5:6, “Humble yourselves…”. After helping my mother, who is 98, with some chores around her house, I was throwing my cast net off her dock. Last year’s Hurricane Sally had damaged her pier. As I was pulling my cast net back in, the nails in one side of a deck board gave way, causing the board to elevate and throw me in the river on the other end, with nails on the end of the board tearing into the top of my hand. I was a bloody, wet mess! Thank the Lord no one saw me, but it was still an humbling experience! I have rescued others who have fallen overboard, and even thrown some overboard, but I had never fallen over myself.
     4) Office completion delayed—Every week we have struggled to have workers here to help us finish. Some got sick, lost transportation, worked on other jobs, promised to come but failed to show up, etc., so Lenora and I have had to do much of the work ourselves. Our daughter and son-in-law have helped also.
     5) I was honored to be asked by my pastor to speak in his stead on Sunday, May 4 AM service. I spoke on “Our Great God”. On the way home (1 hour + drive) when near the house, I looked in my rearview mirror and a blue light was flashing. I pulled over and a young police officer came to the window and said, “Sir, you were doing high 40s in a 35 mph zone.” Of course I was guilty, and said so.
     On and on I could go, but just wanted you to read some things that show life’s reality, however we continue on! Lightning destroyed things, and all the things destroyed can be replaced, but it didn’t hit us. Flooding came but is gone now. I fell off a pier, but didn’t drown. Unfaithful workers showed me the importance of being faithful to God myself. Plans may be delayed, but God is right on time. I broke the law but God gave mercy. What I am saying is when you read a missionary’s letter and he gives a good report, no telling “what it took” to get that!
     We rejoice and speak of the finished work of Christ, but have you ever thought of what it cost Him? A wise man says that the hard and dark rooms of life are where God “develops” us. Probably some of you who support this work have sent funds that came through your personal hardships and difficulties. To you I say from my heart, “Thank you, and we promise to continue on.” The finish line is just ahead.

Moving forward,

Dr. A.W. “Fisher” Mund

P.S. Lord willing we will have the office opened at the end of July.

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-6474