Dear Friends:
Lest I forget to include a note of gratitude to you all for being my friends as well as friends of FOMMI, I want to remind you that neither FOMMI nor I could long continue without your faithful prayers and financial support. God nudges you at just the time I need you to pray for me, and provides the funds needed to carry on FOMMI. Before the next prayer letter goes out the milestone of three years will have passed since my beloved Fisher-Mund went to Heaven. It still seems like he is either on a long mission trip or a long fishing trip and will be home soon. However I know it will be I, not he, who will be going/coming home! He is greatly missed every day. Psalm 3:3 has been very dear to me when loneliness overcomes me. “But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.”
The twenty-one “fishy” tracts FOMMI formerly printed have been out of stock for a while now, but are in the process of being reprinted. Those of you who have been requesting them will be able to obtain them soon. The cost of tract printing has more than doubled since they were last printed, and I was hesitating about actually ordering them, when unexpectedly FOMMI received a gift that would pay for 80% of the cost. I took that as the Lord directing me to place the order!
You may have noticed news of the student riots going on in Bangladesh lately. For a time the government shut down all internet and telephone access, as well as called out the military to control the rioters who were burning cars, buildings, etc., resulting in quite a few rioters being shot. A curfew is still in place there. After a few days Bro. Lemon was able to let us know that they were safe at the base station. By God’s grace they continue with Bible school, agriculture projects and river churches as they pursue the purchase of the remaining land. Remember that land purchase is not simple in Bangladesh and can require much time in researching ownership through three different governments. In the mean time the price of the land increases, resulting in the purchase of less land with available funds. Only God can make that easier, so please remember to include that in your prayers.
Bro. Varghese in India says schools have reopened there. The Bible Institute students regularly do outreach ministry in places like Odisha and many have accepted Christ. They are using the ministry van to go to interior places to preach and are in need of new tires (6) for a cost of $1200 (sounds like inflation is there also). This is the rainy season which is causing the fishermen colony problems by producing rough seas and some flooding. Pray for them.
Bro. Jeph in the Philippines says a passing typhoon/hurricane caused extensive flooding especially in Manila, but other areas nearer to Bro. Jeph as well. See two pictures, one in metro Manila, and another in Baguio. Reports are that 600,000 residents are displaced. Jeph’s brother Ruel, who pastors in metro Manila, was not flooded so the church is housing many people in the church facility. FOM Bible School in San Fernando, La Union, resumed on July 30 with thirteen students. FOM Baptist Church is preparing for a joint special conference with some area churches in August to emphasize the importance of the church. They are also preparing for their 25th church anniversary in November. They celebrate in a big way and
much preparation goes into that day for spiritual as well as physical food. Their decorations are out of this world using live flowers and/or fruit from their area. It does not seem possible that so many years have passed. I remember when their services were held in their rented house. God has greatly blessed that work. Jeph says he is also praying for America.
Bro. Henry Vick and co-workers continue to minister in the Escambia County jail in Pensacola, Florida. From time to time that ministry (and others there) are threatened to lose access to the jail, and then the Lord will move those in power to allow it to continue. Pray that the Lord will keep His hand on that door so it remains open.
Notice across the street the Jollie Bee’s sign - that is a fast food place that is well-liked and common in many areas (the food is good).
Baguio is in the mountains and is cooler than the surrounding areas, so is a popular spot to visit/vacation. Heavy rains produce mudslides that wipe out roads.
2024 FOM Bible School, San Fernando, La Union, Philippines. Bro. Jeph Palit-Ang and wife Marge on front left, other teachers not pictured.
Thank you again for being my faithful friends.
“Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.”
1 Thessalonians 5:24
Continuing with His help,
Lenora Mund
Office Manager
Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495